**- Content Guide
All content uploaded directly by the PD or posted through a link (including posts and messages provided individually in addition to celebrity content provided through viewing payment) must not contain the following content.
① Pornography
- Content that directly depicts sexual intercourse or sexual activity
- Content that includes excessive body exposure or intentionally highlights such areas as male and female genitals, pubic hair, buttocks, or female breasts.
- Content that promotes sexual assault, sexual harassment, or unhealthy encounters
- Content that sexually exploits children and adolescents
② Infringement of other people’s rights, such as copyright
- Content that unauthorizedly posts, reproduces, distributes or transmits material without permission from the copyright holder.
- Content that infringes on intellectual property rights, such as trademark rights and design rights, of others
- Content that violates the privacy and portrait rights of others by posting photos, videos, etc. of others without permission
- Content that violates others’ reasonable expectations of personal information protection, such as posting or leaking a third party’s personal information (name, resident registration number, address, photo, phone number, email account, etc.) without permission
- Content that defames or defames or insults individuals or organizations
- Content that discriminates against or promotes prejudice against a specific gender, region, religion, race, etc. without reasonable cause.
- Content containing content that infringes on the rights of others without legitimate authority
③ Violation of laws and regulations