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PDing Creator’s Copyright Protection Policy Guide

PDing ("the Service" or "PDing") operated by PDing LLC ("the Company") supports all PDs ("Creators" or "Producers") under the slogan "Anyone can be a PD" to unleash their potential. PDing is a comprehensive PPV(Pay Per View)-based platform that allows freedom of expression. As long as the content complies with PDing's Terms of Service and Community Guidelines, creators can freely produce content and sell it to fans. This freedom of expression must be balanced with safety.

Copying content on PDing is a violation of the Terms of Service. PDing complies with the U.S. Digital Millennium Copyright Act (Title 17 of the United States Code) to promptly respond to copyright infringement claims and remove or disable access to suspected infringing user content. For complete information and details on how the Company handles copyright infringement claims, see the DMCA policy.

Rights holders who claim their rights have been infringed according to the above regulatory items can fill out an "Online Service Provider's Copy/Transmission Interruption Request Form" and request the Company to stop the copy/transmission of the relevant post. Upon receipt of the request form, the Company will immediately stop the copy/transmission and notify the person (the copier/transmitter) who copies/transmits the post or others, and after a due clarification process, notify of the post's suspension or resumption of posting. (*Note, in cases of clear copyright infringement, posts may be removed without prior warning.)

PDing Creator’s Copyright Protection Policy Process

Step 1. Report

PDing has a team dedicated to copyright infringement reporting to implement strict protection policies, including handling methods and reporting procedures for violations. If you have suffered from copyright infringement or rights infringement, you can report it by including the following information and emailing it to [email protected]

<aside> 💡 How to Submit an Infringement Claim Notice

(a) PDing ID or nickname

(b) Email address for response

(c) Report URL

(d) Type of report (Copyright infringement / Rights infringement / Others)

(e) Reason for the report

(f) A statement that the information provided in the notice is accurate and, under penalty of perjury, that you are the copyright owner or authorized to act on the copyright owner's behalf.
